Two months after my 50th birthday, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Intraductal Carcinoma of the Left Breast. The news didn’t shock me completely. I had already been a Registered Nurse for 28 years and was well aware of how prevalent cancer was. What surprised me, though, was how little I knew about cancer and how much it would impact my life.
After working so many years in the healthcare field, it wasn’t easy to go from being the one “in charge” to the person in the flimsy paper gown. It’s still hard for me to sit on an exam table and “be” the patient. However, having the advantage of my medical background did help me make the transition a little easier.
No one likes to be blindsided, and hearing the words “You have cancer” is never easy. For most people, a cancer diagnosis comes as a complete surprise. It’s often shocking. We’re usually just going about our lives, and then cancer shows up.
It’s never a good or convenient time to get cancer. And without access to decent medical care, health insurance, or a support system, it will be even more challenging.
I’m going to share a lot about cancer with you. I will educate you on the latest statistics and provide information from reputable sources. I will also share what I have learned from my first-hand experiences as a nurse for 35 years and a cancer patient for twelve. Of course, I feel most qualified to speak about breast cancer, but this book is for any cancer patient.
I have belonged to several cancer and wellness support groups for the past five years. Being a part of these groups has become a game changer for me. My fellow participants feel like they are my family members. We have taught one another a lot about how to survive and thrive with cancer!
Men and women of all different ages belong to these groups. We are diverse in the fact that we have differing religions, ethnicities, and socioeconomic and educational backgrounds. Due to the pandemic (and Zoom), these groups have expanded and cover a wider geographic area now as well. The single commonality throughout these groups is that the participants have all been, or still are, cancer patients.
Some of them were fortunate enough to have had what I like to call a “one and done” experience with cancer. Some have had several cancer journeys with either the same cancer reoccurring or a second or third type of cancer. Then there are those like me. We are living with ongoing cancer, which for now, is incurable.
In 2016, after enjoying five years living as what I thought was cancer free, I was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC). MBC is also known as Stage 4 breast cancer. With this diagnosis, I thought for sure I wouldn’t live to see my 60th birthday. I did not picture myself being able to have a good quality of life. Thankfully I was wrong.
I am not saying that having cancer in any way is easy, but I will say cancer really has taught me some meaningful things. First, it has enabled me to live each day with purpose. It has shown me how capable and truly loved I am. But, most importantly, I have learned to live mindfully instead of living with a full mind.
Since the beginning of my cancer journey, I’ve been sharing my story with others. I started with my close circle and then expanded to a larger audience. I am amazed by how many times people comment that I am brave. I appreciate their sentiment, but I don’t consider myself brave. Instead, I would say that I am strong, confident, and someone who wants to keep living.
Many wonderful things have happened to me throughout my life. I’ve always made a conscious effort to be a very caring human being. I have taken my roles as a mom, wife, daughter, friend, and nurse very seriously. In an attempt to help others and as part of my legacy, I have now written this book. My greatest hope is that by sharing what I have learned from my cancer journey and the journeys of others, it will help you with yours.
“Cancer may rob you of the blissful ignorance that tomorrow stretched forever. In exchange you are granted the vision of seeing each day as a precious gift to be used richly and wisely.”